


Now when you want to install a version of Java, you can do it using SDKMan.įirst, list the candidates for Java available: $ sdk list java When the installation has finished, open a new terminal, or run the following in the existing one: Take a look at the script to see what it does, and then make it executable and run it: $ chmod +x sdkman.sh Once you've satisfied those requirements, download the SDKMan install script: $ curl "" -output sdkman.sh On Windows, you can use SDKMan through Cygwin or WSL. On Debian-based distributions, use apt instead of dnf. On Fedora, CentOS Stream, Mageia, and similar: $ sudo dnf install zip unzip curl sed


On Linux, you can install these using your package manager. SDKMan requires these commands to be present on your system: SDKMan is like a package manager just for versions of Java. The SDKMan project makes it easy to manage different versions of Java and related languages, including Groovy, Scala, Kotlin, and more. If you're a Java developer, this is particularly common, because you might contribute code to several projects, each of which requires a different version of Java. If you have two must-have applications, each of which uses a different version of Java, you may want to install both an old version and a new version of Java on the same system. It's possible for Java (the language) to increment its version number at the same time your favorite application continues to use an older version, at least for a while. Java is more than just a programming language: It's also a runtime.Īpplications written in Java are compiled to Java bytecode then interpreted by a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which is why you can write Java on one platform and have it run on all other platforms.Ī challenge can arise, however, when a programming language and an application develop at different rates.
